Why You Need to Escape Once in a While

RedEcom supporting Women Empowerment
June 14, 2018
5 Steps to Tackle Negative Feedback
June 14, 2018

Why You Need to Escape Once in a While

Today we are surrounded by technology. From appliances, cars, phones you name it everything is connected to the internet. Constantly evolving and never static we have now become hooked to technology in every aspect of our lives.

Take your start to the day. The first thing a majority of us, especially the millennials (I’m one of those), reach for in the morning is our phones to check on our social media feeds. Before sleeping the last thing we do before closing our eyes is checking our phones. A vast majority of us today work in the service industry and need the internet to do our jobs.

So much dependency on technology in every aspect of our existence takes its toll. There comes a time when we need to unwire. Get off the grid for a while to give ourselves a break from the information avalanche we constantly face.


At RedEcom we were facing the exact same situation. Our whole business is built on technology yet we found ourselves short on ideas. The high expectations we had of each other were not being met. We needed to UnWire.

The remedy?

A short weekend trip up to the Murree of Sindh, Gorakh Hills

We left our computers, our servers and all the technology behind even the phones for a complete tech free experience. (DSLRs were exempted)

The trip through dusty roads and on uncomfortable jeeps felt wonderful after those long hours in office chairs.

Two days in the wilderness of Sindh with just the stars above us, fresh air and few amenities were just the thing we needed to connect on a human level with each other.

Bonfire and BBQ under the stars has its own charm which helped our team bond closely with each other and allowed us to get our minds away from work. We talked; we played, and had fun which is the essential aspect of any team building exercise.

We were fresh, motivated and energized again with new zeal to achieve more.

We love technology, we eat, sleep and breathe it but everyone needs to break from the routine from time to time. If you are feeling over-exerted and not being able to meet your own high standards that is the time to step back, breathe and do something different.

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